Super User
Musical Theatre II
Mondays 6:30-7:45, Feb. 10-April 27, Egyptian Studios
Grades 6-9 / Tuition: $245
Register for COMBO w/ Drama Company ll for $45 discount
The ensemble work integral to Musical Theatre + opportunities for solo work.
Musical Theatre I
Mondays 5:00-6:15, Feb. 10-April 27, Egyptian Studios
Grades 3-5 / Tuition: $245
Register for COMBO w/ Drama Company l for $45 discount
Sing and dance your way to the skills needed to perform your best in the ensemble world of Musical Theatre.
Broadway Babies
Wednesdays 6:00-7:00, Feb. 12-April 29, Egyptian Studios
Grades 1st & 2nd / $210
Register for COMBO w/ Storymakers for a $50 discount
Young performers are introduced to the wonderful world of musical theatre; learning songs and choreography from Broadway musicals.
Drama Company II
Mondays 5-6, Feb.10-May 4, Egyptian Studios
Grades 6-8 / Tuition: $240
Register for COMBO w/ Musical Theatre ll for $35 discount
Deepening students’ understanding of text, voice projection, character study, and production techniques in a small ensemble environment.
Center Stage Sponsors (right column module)
Richard & Jean Rapoport
Nick Stugart & Amy Reaser
Bill Redeker
Syd Reed
Ron & Pam Reich
Peter & Deborah Rieman
Bill & Jane Riley
Beverly & Alan Robinson
Jerry & Gail Romero
Fred & Kathleen Roth
Ira Sachs
Thomas Safran
Carole & Jerry Sanders
Orie & Majsan Santillo
Steve & Rossana Sauls
Harvey & Marianne Sax
Joan & John Scanlon
Jody & Jeffrey Scheiman
Kelly Collins & Brad Schell
Shannon & Glenn Schemmer
Eric & Susan Schmid
Jim Sheltmire & Paul Schnieders
Shirley & Eric Schoenholz
Tracey Schumann
Robin & Ron Schwarz
Hal & Carol Scudder
Julie & Brad Senet
Sabine & Shaun Shakib
Maddy & Jon Shear
Suzanne & Jay Sheridan
Nancy & Bill Shott
Vicki & Mark Sidlow
Terri & Jerry Skurky
Deborah & Brian Smith
Siobhan Smith
Jane Snyder
Susan Sosin
James & Jane Spellman
Becky & Mark Stedman
Barbara & Tom Steinmetz
Bobby Stevenson
Lorraine & Wally Stuecken
Mark & Alice Sunday
Roger Goldman & Rana Tahtinen
Nancy & Larry Tallman
Paul & Peg Tan
Tim & Lynda Tetarenko
Pamela Maupin & William Tew
Judy & Bill Tink
Patricia & William F Tueting
Ann & Steve Turner
Karen & Richard Urankar
Sally Vaughn
Lauren & Peter Vitulli
Diane Rinehart & Scott Vultaggio
Barbara Alexander & Brian Waller
Hope Woodside & Craig Ward
Janine Hinrichs & Joanne Watson
Bruce Weissman
Doug & Linda Wells
Bobbie Stanley & Jim Welzien
Joanne White
Emily White
Gerald Whitley
Hunt & Megan Williams
David & Tina Williams
Lisa & Dan Williamson
Allison & Preston Willingham
Brad & Lisa Wilson
Packy & Lori Wilson
Willy & Kelli Wilson
Bob & Sharon Winders
Rob & Barbara Wolin
Greg & Cheryl Wood
Doug & Becky Wood
Roseann Woodward
Paul & Charlyne Wozniak
Ed & Lynne Zielinski
Contact Us
Egyptian Theatre
Historic Park City, Utah
Hours: 9am- 7pm daily and/or 9am- 8:30pm on show days
Address: 328 Main Street | PO Box 3119, Park City, UT 84060
Phone:(855) 745-SHOW (7469)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Paid Parking Only in Old Town! Shuttle in -- we have a great free bus system.
If you are coming from Salt Lake consider parking by the Kimball Junction transit center and taking the Express Bus to Main Street. Additionally, there is usually parking at the resorts and high school with shuttles to Main Street. Click here for more information.
The Egyptian Theatre was built in 1926 and was decorated in the vogue style of the day, in full Egyptian motif, after the excitement of the discovery of King Tut’s tomb in Egypt. While the venue has changed names multiple times, and has had many modifications and upgrades, its historic integrity and significance remain. The Theatre continues to serve as a community gathering space for entertainment.
YouTheatre is dedicated to helping children gain confidence and self-esteem while discovering and expressing their unique voice through collaboration and creativity, building life skills that help them perform both on and off the stage.
Pharaoh Club
The Pharaoh Club is a social group made up of individuals and couples that support the theatre. Membership benefits include private shows and socials, golf outings, front-of-house seating, and gifts from our business partners.
Our Staff
Randy Barton
Theatre Manager
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Amber Hansen
Artistic & Producing Director /
Box Office Manager
(855) 745-SHOW (7469)
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Cristina Aguirre
Director, Patron Relations & Events
(855) 745-SHOW (7469)
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Jamie Wilcox
YouTheatre, Artistic & Managing Director
(855) 745-SHOW (7469)
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Sarah Garrett
Director of Marketing
(855) 745-SHOW (7469)
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Craig Martin
Business Manager
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Peter Mayhew
Technical Director
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Bob Melanson
Video Production
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Hyrum Summerhays
Audio and Systems Engineer
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Jenn Silva
Director of Operations / In House Photographer / Video Designer
(855) 745-SHOW (7469)
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