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Save Our Space (SOS)
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YouTheatre Studio
Benefits of New Space:
- A home for the YouTheatre Kids
- Black Box Theatre
- A home for Pharaoh Socials & Events
- Sundance Rentals
1. Our Capital Campaign: Save Our Space
Click to Donate Now
or call Randy Barton to arrange a tour: (435) 901-4119
2. Become a Pharaoh Club Member
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3. Front Row Society Member (Businesses)
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4. Save Our Banksy
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Fundraising Plan:
Two joint non profits collaborating SOS (Save Our Stage Foundation) and PCP (Park City Performances). Real property and fixed assets shall be owned by SOS. All other improvements shall be owned by PCP.
All funds raised will first be used to acquire the space and secondly to make improvements.
Total Cost: $3.75 Million to purchase space and fully build out
Raised to date: $2.6 Million
COMBO: Musical Theatre I & Drama Co I
Mondays 5-7:45, Feb. 10-April 27, Egyptian Studios
Grades 3-5 / Tuition: $445
$45 discount for taking these classes in COMBO!
Musical Theatre l & Drama Company l back to back!
COMBO: Drama Co II & Musical Theatre II
Mondays 5-7:45, Feb.10-April 27, Egyptian Studios
Grades 6-9 / Tuition: $445 ($45 discount for taking COMBO!)
Up your triple-threat game by taking Drama Company ll & Musical Theatre ll back to back!
About YouTheatre
About YouTheatre
Enrollment & Scholarhips
Class sizes are limited and space is available on a first-come first-paid basis. Full payment is required to secure your space.
Scholarship opportunities available - please contact Jamie at 435-649-9371 to enquire.
The Egyptian Theatre reserves the right to cancel a class if enrollment is insufficient. Any tuition paid would be refunded in full in such an event.
If a student must withdraw enrollment prior to the first class, tuition will be refunded minus a $50 admin fee. If a student must withdraw between first and second class, tuition will be refunded minus a $75 admin fee. If a student must withdraw after the second class, no refund will be given.
Our History
Since 1995 the Egyptian Theatre has enriched children's lives through their YouTheatre programs. YouTheatre has taught over a thousand aspiring actors who have gone onto study acting in college or pursue careers in the theatrical arts. Some former YouTheatre students have performed on Broadway-- their dream come true!
Our Mission
The Egyptian Theatre YouTheatre program is based on the premise that participating in an arts program is an important aspect in the growth of every child. From the teamwork of being part of a cast, the discipline required putting on a production, and the confidence gained performing before a live audience, our young actors are instilled with an appreciation for the performing arts that will carry them into adulthood.
Register today!
For more information call 435-649-9371 ext.27 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.